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One of the most common desires I hear from Non-Nine-to-Fivers is freedom.

Freedom from anxiety

Freedom from trying to fit in

Freedom from purposeless work

Freedom from feeling trapped

Non-Nine-to-Fivers are MEANT to experience FREEDOM.

Yes,you are MEANT to.

If you weren’t you would feel fully satisfied at a 9-5 job.

Over the past few weeks with COVID-19 Non-Nine-to-Fivers have told me:

It feels good to be working from home

I have free time right now to get creative

I’ve been experiencing more “me” time

It’s so nice to see my kids more

There is a MASSIVE silver lining to this global pandemic and it includes your freedom!

It is TIME to go after what you TRULY want and get clear on how BADLY you want it.

Do you want to clock in clock out?

Do you want to sit behind a desk?

Do you want to be doing work that you could care less about?

Do you want to continue feeling anxious?

Do you want to continue feeling trapped?

Do you want to continue answering to someone else?


Do you want to quit your job? (if you haven’t already or been let go)

Do you want to stand on your own two feet without your 9-5?  

Do you want to truly find and pursue your purpose?

The CHOICE is yours.  No one is handcuffing you to your desk, your computer, your boss.

If there ever was a time in life to make a massive shift, the time is now.  It is time to take radical action and commit like your life depends on it, because it does.

In my Non-Nine-to-Five programs I teach you exactly how to do this.  I’ve done it AND I know what it feels like.  I know depression, I know anxiety, I know feeling trapped, I know what it is like to cry every single day.  

I also know what it feels like to be fully confident, experience freedom, smile all the time, be in my purpose, and go for walks in the middle of the day just because I want to (this is one of my favorite things to do!).

Now, it’s your turn.

In Freedom,


PS: If you are committed to experiencing freedom not JUST during COVID-19 but WAY BEYOND IT, please email me and lets set up a private call so we can talk about your next best steps and see if the work I do is a match for you –


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