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5 essentials to self-employment success

Last week, a meditation I did really stood out (I’ve been on a roll with my meditations!).

It was all about creating a safe and tight container when it comes to our our emotions a safe inner place to be felt and worked through.

Personally, I know that that the only way we can make true change and create our Non-Nine-to-Five purpose that leads to successful self-employment is within a safe and tight container.

Here is what the container must hold to do this:

  • Teacher – someone who will share knowledge and provide deep guidance and support

  • Structure – clearly defined steps within a plan that supports the community

  • Community – high-level people who are committed to their Non-Nine-to-Five purpose

  • Commitment – a willingness to take actions in the direction of your self-employment success

  • Consistency – a willingness to take action over and over and over again and when you falter, the willingness to keep going

Without a strong container that holds these 5 essential pieces, it will be an arduous road to create self-employment success, and honestly pretty much impossible.

I personally can attest to this because prior to starting The Non-Nine-to-Five™ I was trying to do it all by myself, in isolation.

I read books, I watched YouTube videos, I took an online course (where I wasn’t even able to connect directly with the teacher), I Googled, I asked friends for advice and I was STILL STUCK.

But what I didn’t have were these 5 essential pieces.

And then ALL of that changed. When I FINALLY invested into a supportive container here is what I created in record time:

Within 2 months – calls with potential clients

Within 6 months – paying clients

Within 9 months – stopped teaching students one-on-one

Within 2 years – paid off 40% of my debt

Because of my deep belief in a safe and supportive container, The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs contain each of these 5 essential pieces.

If you’re trying to do it on your own and you aren’t getting what you really want isn’t it time you got support?

I invite you to apply for a private call with me. On this call you are going to get all of me 100% and we will connect about what’s not working, laydown some potential next best steps, and see which of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs is a match for you.

Sending you a container full of love and support,


PS: Vanessa, a Non-Nine-to-Fiver who has been a member of this safe and tight container for over a year now graciously shared this:

Jen is an incredible source of support, guidance, and wisdom and has a gift for bringing that out in others. I would recommend working with Jen if you don't know where to start or are struggling with your next step, and feel called to go deeper and collaborate with a partner in both inner and professional growth.

PSS: If you're struggling with your next step please go ahead and apply for a private call with me.


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