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5 suitcases

On July 2nd 2015 I flew to Austin, TX to visit one of my dearest friends. 

On the 1st morning at her home I woke up and went for a run. While on my run I was struck with a massiveintuitive hitand heard a messagethat casually yet clearly said,

 ”Why don’t you move to Austin?”

On September 9th 2015 I landed back in Austin with 5 suitcases and a deposit on an apartment. 

The Steps to Living The Non-Nine-to-Five™ Way is a system I created to support Non-Nine-to-Fivers and one of those steps is entitled:

”Tap Into Intuition to Stay the Course”

Our intuition is a faculty that is far greater, far stronger, far more supportive than our logical mind will ever and can ever be.

It’s defined by listening and tuning in deeply to our gut, heart, and our inner hunches. 

The most amazing and best decisions have come from my intuition because I allowed myself to TRUST rather than act in fear or listen to what others and society told me what I should and should not do. 

If you know deep down you are meant to be self-employed but you’re afraid to fail, afraid of being rejected, afraid you won’t be able to generate the money:

We have just a handful of spots open in our Fall 2020 Employee to Entrepreneur Cohort starting in less than 2 weeks

The EEC is open to those already in business for themselves, those who have a business on the side, those who don’t know what their Non-Nine-to-Five purpose is, and anyone who simply knows he/she is not meant for the 9-5.

As a member of The EEC you will receive:

  • Financially Friendly Tuition

  • Intimate Group of Like Minded People

  • Individual Support, Teachings, Action Plans

Here's how to apply:

  1. Click the link and fill out The EEC application: EEC Application 

  2. I will personally review your application.

  3. I will contact you directly and if it makes sense we will schedule a private call (my gift to you!)

Intuitively Yours,


PS: If you have ANY questions just go ahead and fill out the application EEC Application and I will get all of your questions answered.

PPS: I received a beautiful email this week from Nicole who is both a participant in a Non-Nine-to-Five Year Long Program and The Employee to Entrepreneur Cohort that I felt really called to share with you:

I just want to thank you for being so awesome and always being present. I had a tough day yesterday and was feeling a lot of overwhelm but just being on the phone with you for a simple scheduling & EEC set-up call made me feel better because I felt so much *clarity*!


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