“I’m so stupid, I feel like the dumbest creature on the planet!” one of my clients said as tears rolled down her cheeks during our Community Wide Training last week.
I then asked our entire community, “Who can relate to what she is experiencing? And there wasn’t one hand left down, not even my own . . .
Then at church last Sunday I heard the term "The Messy Middle," it struck me and I made a connection . . .

There are five parts to a story.
You will notice that the climax (the most intense part of a story) is the middle.
Messiness is intense.
Messiness can look like confusion, overwhelm, self-doubt, and not feeling good enough about yourself and your abilities.
For months before I quit my full-time job I was in “The Messy Middle” and suffering massively. The level of messiness was so intense I can’t remember when I was NOT crying or putting myself down, landing me into a huge depression.
This is precisely WHY I created The Non-Nine-to-Five™. Women come together to receive support, to train, to get guidance so you can create succesful self-employment and get the heck out of “The Messy Middle.”
At the end of our coaching exchange, I asked my client what she was receiving to which she replied, “Well, I can’t go backward.”
She is 100% right. When you have a supportive and aligned community, teachings, and guidance you can NOT go backward. With a supportive container like the one I have created with my heart and soul at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ it is impossible to go backward.
If you are currently in “The Messy Middle” but know in your heart you are meant to pursue your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose I invite you to apply for the VERY LAST 1-Hour Clarity Call slot THIS YEAR!
On this private call we will connect about your Messy Middle, I will hear all about your vision (what it is you REALLY want to create), we will lay down some potential next best steps, and we will see if The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs are a match for you.
There is ONLY ONE slot open for the rest of this yearso even if you are unsure, I encourage you to apply.Just by filling out the application you are already in process of moving forward through “The Messy Middle.”
Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed and Moving through "The Messy Middle"
- Jen
P.S.: Apply here for the last remaining Clarity Call slot of 2021.