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I am literally still BUZZING since last week when The Non-Nine-to-Five™ community gathered for our Summer Community Wide Training all about creating an abundance mindset.

Members gathered from various parts of the country and even Canada to join in this powerful and experiential day.

Just some of the areas we covered included:


  • How to make Love based decisions vs. Fear based decisions

  • How to live by Faith, NOT by Sight

  • How your Beliefs will create your Destiny

I also was honored to hear from a few of our members just how powerful the day was. Check out what Nicole shared!

“I want to thank you for a well-organized Summer Community Wide Training. I wasn't sure what to expect from this full day but there's been so much learning to unpack for me. I realized that I still have a lot of deep-rooted sentiments around money management and creating/maintaining an abundance mindset. My biggest takeaways are: being mindful on how I view money, the process is the goal, how my beliefs can ultimately shape my destiny, and I am now working on more love-based decisions vs. fear-based decisions around abundance!” – Nicole W.

If you feel deep down you are meant to be part of a safe and sacred aligned community, to transform your beliefs around money, to have an abundance mindset AND you know it is meant to happen through successful self-employment CLICK HEREto connect directly with me so we can connect one-on-one and see if the comprehensive work we do at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ is for you.

Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,

- Jen

P.S.: CLICK HERE to connect directly with me so I can hear about what is happening for you and we can see if the path of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ is for you.

P.P.S: I would be honored if you would sharethe link with someone you know who is NOT meant for their 9-5 and is truly meant to step out and create successful self-employment.


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