Earlier this week I found myself feeling super stuck with something business related. I felt as if I had hit a dead end!
It was incredibly uncomfortable, and, in that moment, I couldn't handle my feelings so I began to distract myself and numb.

I picked up my phone, began to scroll through Instagram and luckily (because of the years I've spent re-wiring the unhelpful patterns in my brain) I caught myself within seconds.
“Ok, stop,” I said out loud. I then proceeded to pick up my pen and journal and began to write.
A list started to form and I began to see some steps I could take. I then went to one of my coaches and asked for support...
Distractions bombard us continuously throughout each day. There is always an app to turn to, someone to text, a podcast to listen to, a video to watch, an email to send, the latest beauty trend to check out, Amazon shopping, etc. etc. etc. Because of this it can feel really easy to let ourselves off the hook when it comes to feeling uncomfortable.
However, as someone who first handedly knows just how uncomfortable The Non-Nine-to-Five™ journey can be (it's also infinitely rewarding) and what it really truly takes to stay with it no matter how many days, weeks, months, years you’ve been at it, it’s imperative you have support and a self-employment toolbox to turn to so you can stay the course and fiercely focus.
If you are a conscientious woman who is meant to fiercely focus and not distract, numb, or cope and you are willing to admit you don't know it all please fill out a Clarity Call application here so we can see if you are a match for the work we do at The Non-Nine-to-Five™.
I take a deep approach to self-employment that is unlike other coaches and programs out there so if you are looking for different, know that my hand is reached out to you.
Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,
- Jen
P.S.: Jen P., a wonderful member of our Non-Nine-to-Five community recently shared this:
“I am working on creating a Non-Nine-to-Five business related to Greek culture because it is a place that is near and dear to my heart . . .
On my August 30-Day Pre-Celebration Plan Jen introduced us to, I put down that I wanted to generate an additional $1000 income to put toward going to Greece.
I am excited to announce that I have accomplished this goal within 60 days, and I am planning my trip to Greece!”