I don’t know what it feels like to be a person of color nor will I ever know.

I didn’t know what to say exactly when the news of George Floyds murder came out. I knew I felt a deep sadness mixed with anger but wasn't sure what the best thing to say was.
I feel it is my duty to use my voice as a leader, teacher, and coach and educate myself about white privilege and racism so I can do my part.
So I want to share what is in my heart and what I have done so far and what I am doing to move forward educating myself.
1. I was invited to attend a zoom call led by a colleague of mine who I have known about 6 years and I adore, a black woman business owner who I have always held in high regards since I met her. She educated over 50 people on race and leadership and shared vulnerably and powerfully while providing us with resources.
2. I purchased an audio book,“Between the World and Me” by, Ta-Nehisi Coates and began listening.
3. I spoke to a male black business owner, another colleague of mine and listened to him share his own perspective.
4. I have begun following on Instagram@wastefreemarie who has been sharing actionable anti-racism steps that can be taken using really fantastic resources.
5. I have watched this interview -"Why are White People so Bad at Talking about Race" with Robin DiAngelo author of "White Fragility” and I will be purchasing her book.
I share this with you in hopes that this may support your own education when it comes to race and injustice, your own forward movement (whatever that is meant to look like for you), AND I also see something else. . .
More and more people are wanting to step forward as leaders and experts sharing their voice, their thoughts, their leadership, their solutions as Non-Nine-to-Fivers.
We are living in a critical time right now which is lending itself to more and more people doing their life’s work and following their purpose as self-starters, change makers, peace builders, trail blazers.
Our lives aren’t meant to be lived quietly – they are meant to be lived out loud.
You are meant to live your life out loud.
If you are clear you are meant to live your life out loud as a change-maker on your own terms please connect with me to see if you’re a match for 1 of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs.
PS: There are just a handful of spots remaining in The Employee to Entrepreneur Program.
Our 1st Zoom Cohort Call is next Tuesday, June 16th.
If you want to see if you are a match for this High-Level group made up of those who know their purpose is to: heal, teach, develop products, support mental health, dance, design (and more) email me ASAP: jen@thenonninetofive.com