It's finally here. Today, The Non-Nine-to-Five™ turns 8 years old!
I'm celebrating this day by reminding you that you can absolutely find and pursue your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose and no longer feel stuck working for someone else. You have what it takes to absolutely do this.
I also want to be sure you know all about the 8% discount on ALL Non-Nine-to-Five programs in honor of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ turning 8 years old today!
On September 28th 2013 I finally stopped being a woman who HAD potential and fully stepped into it all in the name of teaching others they too could quit their 9-5 job and pursue successful self-employment.
If you or someone you know is meant to be successfully self-employed, help others in a unique way, and generate an income on her own terms The Non-Nine-to-Five™ is the place to be and I want to invite you to a very special private call with me.
Here is how:
Fill out your Clarity Call application no LATER than Friday, October 1st
You will personally hear back from me to get your call scheduled.
On your Clarity Call we will spend a full hour (my gift to you) diving into what's not working, look at what's needed to move through this, and see which of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs are a match for you.
The special 8% discount will go away at the end of this week so be sure to have your application in no later than Friday, October 1st.
Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,
- Jen
P.S.: Regina, a beloved member of The Non-Nine-to-Five™ community began working with me last summer and within under 2 months she not only got clear on her Non-Nine-to-Five purpose but she brought on her first paying client! Check out this awesome celebration she recently shared:
"I am celebrating that I had my first private coaching session today with a client who came back to work with me a year later! On our call she shared she felt seen, heard, loved and was able to release what she was holding in safely!"
P.P.S.: Fill out your Clarity Call application no later than Friday, October 1st to receive 8% off!