Are you the type of woman who puts pressure on herself?
Pressure to get it perfect
Pressure to do it the correct way
Pressure to have all of the answers
If you are, this makes sense, it’s valid, AND it won’t get you anywhere except beating yourself up when everything doesn’t turn out perfectly.
Pressure is wasted energy.
What if instead of putting pressure on yourself you could simply, practice?

Just like a High-Achieving athlete who commits to practicing her sport each day along side her team and with her coach. As she practices she gets stronger and is more likely to achieve the success she wants.
Practice is a key to success.
Trying to get it perfect is the key to, well, nothing.
The women I work with are High-Level and High-Achieving so it’s safe to say they can put a lot of pressure on themselves. They work full-time jobs, part-time jobs, are partners, spouses, mothers to both human and fur children, and of course they are attaining success with their Non-Nine-to-Five purpose.
I’ve designed The Non-Nine-to-Five™ programs with a baby step by baby step approach so that way achieving your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose is doable and manageable and you learn how to release the pressure.
Because of this baby step by baby step approach women become willing to make mistakes and not get it right, they become willing to grow from their mistakes and they become willing to simply be in practice.
If you see yourself as a High-Level High-Achieving woman who knows she is meant to create successful self-employment and NOT put so much pressure on herself to get it perfect, then The Non-Nine-to-Five™ community is for you.
Click this link so we can see if you are a match for the High-Level work we are doing.
Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed and in Practice,
- Jen
P.S: Speaking of community, Nicole shared this beautiful tidbit on our community forum last week:
“I'm grateful for our Non-Nine-to-Five community and the insightful posts that all of the amazing women on here share! I love reading posts I am tagged in as they bring me wisdom and perspective.”