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queen of typos

Would you believe me if I told you that every single person I have ever supported along their Non-Nine-to-Five journey has perfectionistic tendencies?

Every. Single. One.

Perfectionism hides, lurking behind corners that we don’t even know are there.

But, why do humans strive to get everything just so? Why do we not want to, “mess anything up?” Why are we obsessed with dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s?

We fear being vulnerable which is like being naked.

It can feel like every inch of us is under a spotlight, especially if you’re wanting to create successful self-employment!

If we are under a spotlight AND don’t believe we are perfect this can lead us down a path of:

I’m a fraud.

I’m not good enough.

I’ll fail.

I’ll be rejected.

Yet, if we don’t allow ourselves to be vulnerable and fully seen for exactly who we are (mistakes and all), if we don’t allow ourselves to stumble, fall, make typos (I am the queen of typos and I have trained my friends to decode my horrendous texts!), we actually aren’t being authentically ourselves.

The more you try to be perfect, the less authentic you become.

It takes being willing to be authentically you in all of your messiness to create successful self-employment because the more you can deeply connect into who you REALLY are, the more you will connect with your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose, your message, your potential clients, and the list goes on and on.

If you want to pursue your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose in the most authentic way, please apply for one of the three August 1-Hour Private Clarity Calls with me (my gift to you) so we can see if the High-Level work we do at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ is a match for you.

Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,

- Jen


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