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question of the month

I have a question for you that I would absolutely LOVE to hear back from you about.

If you could do anything . . . I mean ANYTHING rather than be behind a desk or your computer 5 days a week what would you do?

Would you be dancing in the street?

Would you be painting?

Would you be leading a workshop?

Please hit “reply” to this email and let me know.  Can’t wait to hear from you!


PS: I love my life’s calling of supporting Non-Nine-to-Fivers but if I didn’t do this full-time, I would be acting.  YES,  I would be acting whether comedic or straight acting!  I actually did my first stand up comedy set last year.  If you’d like to check it outhere it isIf you’d like to check it out here it is.

PSS: Don’t forget to send me your answer to the question: If you could do anything rather than be behind a desk or your computer 5 days a week what would you do?


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