Being human is kind of funny. We're born, we live many years, then we die. That’s it! And during those many years we live we are faced with choice after choice after choice after choice.

I have made many not-so-super choices, I have made choices that have scared the you know what out of me, I have labored over choices and sat in limbo on choices... But how do you ACTUALLY make choices that will make living those many years, great?
How do you make choices fully aligned with who you are so you are living out your greatness? Starting my own business was a choice that changed the trajectory of my entire life and is a MASSIVE marker of living out my greatness. However, as you probably know it took radical action (listening to my intuition to quit my job while simultaneously enduring depression, anxiety, and the firm belief I was a loser) to truly go for it. It took something to become a confident, no-nonsense woman, it took something to create a business from the ground up, it took something not to go back to a job and be an employee after YEARS of only knowing an employee lifestyle. If you choose anything this year why not choose successful self-employment with a coach who will support you from the ground up (that’s me), along with a community of High-Level women who are each on their own Non-Nine-to-Five journey lifting one another up.
If you do want to choose successful self-employment, here are 2 things you need to get started
The willingness to stop waiting for the right time (it just doesn’t exist).
Accept my personal invitation to have a Clarity Call with me (my gift to you) so we can connect privately and see if the work I do at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ is a match for you. Just click here to get started: Clarity Call Application
You have many more years to live. Why don’t we make 2022 the start of something amazing so that when you do die (it’s inevitable you will) you will have left a legacy full of creation, freedom, business abundance, and truly living out your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose.
Sending you so many business blessings for 2022 and seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,
- Jen
P.S: In case you were wondering where I went the last 2 weeks, I took full time away to rest and rejuvenate, something you can create as well as a self-employed woman . . . just saying! ; )
P.P.S: Please accept my invitation to connect with me for a private Clarity Call (again, my gift to you) so we can connect and have 2022 be the year that changed your trajectory to one full of greatness and abundance.
Just click here to get started: Clarity Call Application