I recently had a chat with a friend of mine where we got into a bit of an esoteric topic all about heightened self-awareness. During our deep chat she said to me, “most people are trash can heads” to which I laughed and asked her what she meant.
She went on to say that most people are going about life not seeing much in front of them, as if they have a trash can on their head.
As she said this I made the visual in my mind and it made so much sense.
It takes deep dedication to consistently doing rigorous growth and development work on ones self and NOT be a trash can head. Yet, simply by virtue of being human you’ll likely slip into trash can head tendencies throughout your life.
Here is my own personal example:
Three years ago, I started noticing that my relationship with food felt very off. I was aware I always leaned towards “goodies” such as cupcakes, cookies, ice cream (just like many people do) BUT I began to feel just how MISALIGNED my behavior was with these foods.
Whenever I spotted cupcakes, cookies, tacos, again, any sort of “goodie” I would eat as much as possible, borderline gorging myself only to be left feeling lethargic, shameful, and quite sick. I started to really become aware of this pattern and I knew it was not serving me at all.
Because of my deep belief in self-growth, self-actualization, and my willingness to change my behavior, I dove into investing in support and doing diligent and consistent work to shift the misalignment, therefore taking the trash can off of my head.
In my almost 12 years of being successfully self-employed I have found that there are 4 Key Components to creating a deep connection to your business and the success you want, one in which is WILLINGNESS.
If you’re willing to do things differently, willing to grow, willing to take in guidance and support, willing to take actions given to you by an expert (in this case me), you’ll less likely find yourself donning a trash can on your head!
Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,
- Jen
P.S.: The women I educate, train, and coach at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ are certainly NOT trash can heads. They have a fierce commitment to taking action. Check out Meg’s celebration:
“I am celebrating receiving my first potential client response to my Business Announcement Email!!! It's with a company that I met during my last trip to Peru in December! They want to have a call next week!!! I'm on my way to completing my Pre-Celebration Goal of bringing on my first paid client!!"
P.P.S: Are you or someone you know wanting to take the leap from 9-5 to NON9-5? Please share this link with them so we can connect and see if the work I do is a match for them.