Earlier this week I took some time to reflect on our current climate and what I wanted to create as a result.
I'm curious . . . during this exceptional time in our country/world . . .
Have you reflected on the things that matter most to you?

Your purpose in the world?
Your life and how you want to live/lead it?
What you truly want to create after we make our way through this exceptional time?
Something I say time and time again which could be considered controversial especially with what’s happening in our country/world right now is:
“Your 9-5 provides you with a false sense of stability"
You CAN get fired from a 9-5 job BUT no one but yourself can fire you from your purpose. You CAN be let go from a 9-5 job BUT no one but yourself can let you go from your purpose. You CAN be demoted at a 9-5 job BUT no one but yourself can demote you from your purpose.
Now, let me be crystal clear – I am in no way shape or form saying that there is anything wrong with a 9-5 job. There are people who fit nicely working a 9-5 who gel and click with their jobs. Then, there are those of us who have always struggled with 9-5 jobs.
A Non-Nine-to-Fiver™ knows in his/her heart that the 9-5 just doesn’t gel.
And Living The Non-Nine-to-Five™ Way comes with:
So let's be clear that this is NOT an easy way out from a 9-5 job.
If you KNOW deep in your heart that the 9-5 no longer gels or clicks for you especially during this unprecedented time isn’t it time you reflected on where you want your life to go from here?
In Reflection,
PS: My door is always open to connect more about what is truly deep in your heart.
PPS: Do you know a resilient and tenacious person in your life who isn’t built for the 9-5? Please share with them this email and invite them to connect with me.