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When I was 25 years old, I got the call to become a teacher.

I landed a part-time job with a non-profit organization working with at risk youth that led me to feel deep in my soul I was meant to teach. I went on to attend NYU for my teaching certification in both special and general education and became a classroom teacher, the majority of my work focused on first grade.

On Tuesday when I learned about the shooting in Uvalde my heart sank, my stomach turned, and the tears came.

If there ever was a time to PURSUE your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose, it’s NOW.

If there ever was a time to STOP allowing your fears to dictate your life, it’s NOW.

If there ever was a time to TAKE A STAND for the work you are meant to do, it’s NOW.

Activist, Speaker, Healer, Teacher, Coach, Writer, Artist, etc. . . . you are here to do far deeper work than clocking in and clocking out, aren’t you?

When I started The Non-Nine-to-Five™ I was clear I was meant to continue teaching so I could serve and support those who can feel it in their soul they are meant to do so much more but just don't know how to.

If your heart is telling you that you are meant for so much more (AND YOU ARE) know that the support I provide at The Non-Nine-to-Five™ will teach you exactly how to get clear on your Non-Nine-to-Five purpose, start a business, generate an income, and quit your 9-5 job.

All you need to do is reply to this email and let me know you want to connect. I will reply directly to you.

Seeing you Successfully Self-Employed,

- Jen

P.S.: If you know someone that needs this message, please have them email me.

P.P.S: Whatever your political affiliation, if you want stronger gun laws I learned about this website to get started in taking action:


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